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Suzee Bailey

Many of you know me as a local Fort Lauderdale resident who cares deeply about  restoring the health and vitality of our precious waterways, replacing not just repairing our failing infrastructure, clean safe drinking water, and constantly exploring new innovative ideas to mitigate storm surge and flooding.  With a background in television and journalism, I’ve spoken at many City Commission meetings, fighting diligently for the safety and well-being of all who are affected by these important water plights. The City of Fort Lauderdale’s partnership with Miami Waterkeeper Waterway Quality Testing program was one of those long but thankfully successful battles.  10 highly used waterway recreational sites are now being tested  weekly, thoughout our city for bacteria levels, and results are posted on the Miami Waterkeeper website or the SwimGuide App.  



After serving on the Board of Children’s Aid Club, and two terms as President of the Nurmi Isles HOA, I am currently serving on the Board of VoteWater, and the City of Fort Lauderdale’s Sustainability Advisory Board. My goal for Residents for Resilience is to gather reasonable ideas and solutions from top specialists in Eco-Marine resiliency, and share this information with our residents and city leaders.  We plan to  send reminders, suggestions and request to take action on these important timely issues before small problems become a large crisis.  


 Through social media and by publishing this website which includes a message page to send in your thoughts, questions and concerns, I hope youll join our Resident for Resilience team.


  Let your voices to be heard!

Suzee Bailey

Founder Residents for Resilience


Executive Director


Tricia Halliday


Originally from NY, is a graduate of Columbia University , now a  Florida native for over 42 years, 35 of which have been in Ft. Lauderdale.

Raised 4 children who loved water sports and, especially, fishing off their dock in the canal after school. It was quite an education for them learning about all the different types of animals (including manatees) that lived right outside their back door! Unfortunately, over the years, as the canal waters have been polluted, the majority of the fish have disappeared.


Tricia feels we need to become better caretakers of our waterways and environment. She would love to see her grandchildren have the same fishing experiences their parent’s enjoyed.


"It doesn’t take much and with your voice, you can help!”


 Advisory Board

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Courtney Ortiz


Residential Real Estate Agent with Fidelity Real Estate LLC   Professional Photographer

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Daniela Pia Trezza Esq.


Daniela Pia Trezza is delighted to accept a position on the Board of Residents For Resilience (R4R), a foundation whose mission she supports and whose growth and influence she has been eagerly following for some time now. As a mother, attorney, surfer, and avowed conservationist, she hopes to be an asset to this group and to contribute in a meaningful way to its success. 

Her legal practice has concentrated in the areas of business transactions and business services, providing general counsel to organizations of all sizes and at all life-cycle stages in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors.  She advises clients on a broad spectrum of legal issues including commercial, corporate, employment, leasing and construction, franchise, intellectual property enforcement, mergers and acquisitions, confidentiality and trade secrets, software and cable service, and crisis management.  Additionally, Daniela has served as counselor in the art and entertainment fields, focusing on legal negotiations and contracts between artists, dealers, producers, directors, and distributors. 

Even though her career has been spent in the law, she credits her time as an avid surfer for exposing her to the environmental issues that would prepare her for this important role at R4R.  Growing up near the coast in both the North and Southeast, Daniela’s intimacy with the ocean has made her sensitive to the dangers that could impact the coastline and its wildlife.  Simply put, she’s always been invested in the waves:  as rider as well as protector.  Toward that end, she has joined and participated in many nonprofit organizations including Surfrider Foundation, Lawyers on Longboards, Sierra Club, government agencies, and private sector enterprises in coastal and ocean protection, restoration, education, and development campaigns. 


Regarding her new Board membership, Daniela states: “Never has there been a more urgent time to serve this worthy cause and to set a good example of stewardship, sustainability, and conservation.  I’m excited to be a part of Team R4R and honored to pay tribute to its vision and to its continuing commitment to South Florida’s fragile ecology.”


Daniela Pia Trezza, Esq.






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